Ganesh Chaturthi marks the beginning of festive celebrations for many, but with it comes a surge of noise and chaos. The dhol, loud music, and fireworks that accompany Mumbai’s biggest street festival turn the city into a stressful environment for animals. Countless community animals are seen running frantically, disoriented and displaced, terrified by the overwhelming sounds. In areas where animal care is more organized, caretakers have tagged community animals with name labels and contact numbers to ensure they can be found if lost. Such was the case of Waggy, a sweet female indie from Colaba, who was found wandering after pet owners along Marine Drive on the morning of September 9th, as if seeking help. A quick glance at her collar and a phone call later, senior citizens Nilima Long and her husband were on their way in a cab to bring her home. While we need more compassionate citizens like them, what we truly need is greater awareness among the public about the anxiety and distress these celebrations cause to animals. It’s time for a change in how we celebrate!
It’s not just community animals who are affected; our home pets are also suffering. As a pet nutritionist who closely interacts with clients who often feel powerless during this time of year, I’ve gathered some tips to help make the festive season a bit less stressful for our furry friends:
- Close your windows and play some calming music
- Try ear muffs for your dogs to help muffle the noise (Amaari Petware offers some excellent and adorable options)
- Consider using CBD products to alleviate anxiety and promote relaxation (Cure by Design is a recommended brand, which also offers a soothing lavender spray)
- Bach Flower remedies can also be effective for calming.
If you’ve tried these options and your pet is still trembling due to the noise, consult your vet. They may be able to recommend medication to help your pet relax.